Should Your Dentures Be Relined?

Like any prosthetic, your dentures require regular maintenance to ensure that they are performing properly. In the same way you would be scheduled for follow up appointments after a hip replacement, you will need to do the same once you’re fitted with dentures. At one of these follow-ups, your denturist may suggest you get your prosthetic teeth relined. In this week’s article we are going to explore why you would need a relining and how this simple process can extend the life of your dentures. 

Changes in Oral Structure

The architecture of your mouth is delicate. Each component helps to maintain the others. For example, healthy teeth create a solid structure for your gums and jawbone to stay put. When those teeth are gone, due to disease, decay, or trauma, the framework is also gone. As a result, the tissues shift and often experience a significant loss in density. Dentures can slow down this process, but they can never completely stop it from happening. Over time, the gums beneath the dentures will change shape. This causes an improper fit that must be adjusted with relining. 

Natural Wear and Tear

In addition to tissues rearranging themselves in your mouth, relines are also necessary to mitigate the regular wear and tear that your dentures will eventually experience. Whether your dentures are made out of acrylic, porcelain, or polymer, they will need to be maintained. Regular bite force can wear down the surface, over time leading to cracks or fractures. A reline can reset the clock on your dentures and have them working like new again!

Reline for Every Mouth

Avoiding a reline can lead to issues such as mouth ulcers, irritation, tissue overgrowth, and fungal infections. The type of reline will be specific to the needs of your mouth and the type of dentures you have. 

  • Hard relines are typically for patients with full dentures. This is when your denturist uses your existing denture to create an impression of your gums and then uses that to add a layer of acrylic to the tissue-facing side of your dentures.  
  • Soft relines are for those patients with sensitive mouths. The process is similar to the above, but your denturist will use a pliable material instead for the lining instead of hard acrylic.

If your dentures just don’t fit like they used to, it might be time to have them relined! Our expert team at South Calgary Denture and Implant Clinic can help you find the perfect solution. Contact us today!