What You Need to Know About Denture Implants

Many dental and denture procedures sound intimidating just by name, nevermind what they involve. Denture implants are no exception. It conjures up a creepy feeling and makes patients wonder what is getting implanted and how? We understand these concerns and that many patients suffer dental phobias. That’s why, when it comes to implants, we want you to feel comfortable with the procedure.

Many of our patients love how stable and comfortable their implant retained dentures are. We know how many benefits a patient can see from this denture option, so we want to ensure that anyone who could benefit from implant retained dentures feels comfortable doing so.

Dental Implants are made out of titanium and are gentle fused into your jawbones. Titanium is the material of choice of implants because it’s super strong and also biocompatible. This new titanium implant creates an artificial tooth root for your implants. While there are numerous benefits to both conventional dentures and implant dentures, we find that dental implants are more effective at creating an extremely natural feel. Because the denture is secured to your jaw (as your natural teeth are), it is a permanent solution with increased stability. You’ll benefit from improved biting force and the security of never having your denture fall out or feel loose while you’re eating or talking.

Implant Surgery is an important step towards permanent denture implants, but unfortunately your Calgary denture specialist isn’t able to help you with this procedure. In fact, denturists aren’t allowed to do any kind of surgery as it’s just outside of the scope of our practice. However, what we can do is refer you to some of our trusted colleagues who we know are reputable and do excellent work. This can take a lot of anxiety out of finding the right oral surgeon. While your implant placement is planned, we’ll create a unique denture that fits on top of your implants. This denture will be crafted to perfectly fit into your mouth to complete your smile and help you speak and eat with confidence once more. And your denture and dental implant can be done on the same day!

At South Calgary Denture and Implant Clinic, we’re proud to offer our patients numerous solutions. We know that everyone’s mouth and situation is a little different, so you’ll want a denture as unique as you are! For a permanent denture solution that completely restores your ability to smile, speak, and eat, we find dental implants to be the best choice for many patients. The implant is securely attached to the jaw, and dental implants often require less maintenance over the years providing excellent long-term cost savings to patients.

The Calgary denturists at South Calgary Denture and Implant Clinic believe everyone has the right to smile comfortably. That’s why we’re proud to offer competitively priced implant retained denture packages as well as simple, accessible denture financing. Book your appointment with our team today, so you can smile with confidence once more.