A Calgary Denturist that Spends Time With You

Your denture journey should never feel rushed. While many Denture Practices treat the process like a highly efficient assembly line, we know that nothing can replace quality time and attention. In many ways, this is what separates us from our competitors.  

We Put in the Time

Many denturists only offer a quick 15-20 minutes for a consultation. We feel that such a short visit gives hardly enough time for us to work with you to discuss possible solutions. At South Calgary Denture and Implant Clinic, we dedicate nearly an hour to our consultations. We do this for a couple of reasons. First of all, your oral cavity is unique to you and only you. We need to know the physical shape of your mouth, but we also need to know your habits, concerns, and desires. 

We Build a Relationship

Secondly, we’ve just met you. We can’t determine what you want out of your smile if we don’t take the time to get to know you. Not only does this help your treatment along, but it gives you a chance to get to know us, too! You’re going to be visiting us often, why shouldn’t we get to know each other?

We Let You Lead

Our patients usually have a pretty good idea of what they want out of treatment. We happen to have the tools to get you there. In our consultations, we explore different treatment options and their benefits, letting you make the final call as to how you would like to proceed. We find that this approach results in a smoother treatment and happier patients. 
While our methods may seem to take a bit more time, longer consultations are just one way we show our patients that we truly care. From beginning to end, we want you to feel safe and empowered when it comes to your new oral prosthetics. To experience a high quality, completely complimentary denture consultation, contact our experts today!