3 Reasons Your Denture May Be Loose

Dentures are often a viable option for replacing teeth, especially in adults who need to replace multiple teeth due to non-treatable dental decay or periodontal disease. Getting used to wearing a denture doesn’t happen overnight, as oral tissues, the tongue, and the patient need to adapt to the sensation of having an appliance where there used to be teeth. With time and correct usage a denture can perform almost like natural teeth and provide a patient that would otherwise have to deal with tooth loss, with a functional and aesthetically pleasing option. Adjusting to the subtle nuances of denture wear can be easily achieved – especially when you know what to expect.

Why Does a Denture Become Loose?

A common reason for seeing a denturist for a denture adjustment is because the denture has become loose. What once fit snuggly and remained stable during speech and chewing can in time become loose – causing patients some challenges when it comes to the fit and comfort of their denture. The fact that a denture has become loose is typically normal and not a cause for concern. However, addressing the reason behind a denture’s looseness is imperative for effective resolution. One of the major causes of a denture becoming loose is the natural healing process of tissue that occurs after dental extractions and the placement of a new denture.

Reason 1 – Oral Tissue is Adapting

For new denture wearers, dealing with a loose denture is not only normal, but to be expected as dental tissue heals after the removal of teeth. When teeth are extracted (pulled) the tissues natural response is to become inflamed. Inflammation is a normal response and is actually a vital part of tissue healing. If a denture is placed immediately following tooth removal the denture will feel snug initially and begin to loosen in the first weeks as oral tissue shrinks back. Your denturist will prepare you for this and request that you make an appointment for an adjustment in the first few weeks of wear.

Reason 2 – Natural Resorption of Bone

The body has an ability to know how to respond to various tissue changes – which includes the mouth and how bone levels respond in the absence of teeth. When teeth are present jaw bone knows that it is needed for the stability and support of roots – a requirement that no longer applies when teeth are missing. Without the presence of teeth jaw bone naturally shrinks back, a process referred to as resorption. Bone resorption is normal and unavoidable – and is a factor in dentures becoming loose and no longer fitting ideally. Interestingly, the placement of implants for an implant supported denture can help prevent bone loss as the implant acts like the root of a tooth.

Reason 3 – Weight Changes Don’t Just Impact Waistlines

Your Calgary denturist would never discourage you from losing weight – as a healthy weight contributes to the overall health of a person. But the weight loss process doesn’t just impact guts, thighs, and bums, but also changes the fleshiness of the face and mouth. If your body has literally shrunk it’s only normal to expect changes to how a denture fits. Having a new denture made after significant weight loss may be recommended to ensure comfort, fit, and performance.

If your denture no longer fits well, or if you’re noticing your denture becoming loose – talk to the denturists at South Calgary Denture and Implant Clinic today – 403.254.5000